Better Than Everyone Else

"Wipe Your Eyes" -Maroon 5

         After the pouring rain last night, the whole block was quiet. No one insight outside, maybe for a reason that its still early. 

        Everyone was still all sound asleep, at their dream lands either enjoying a wonderful dream or being swallowed by their own nightmares created by their minds. But a certain someone was already awake at 5:00 o'clock in the morning. 

       The one awake was a little girl, just laying at her bed. Her family and neighbors say that she is different from other kids her age. Usually, kids at her age has imaginary pets or friends or playing 'role play' or what we call here 'bahay-bahayan'. But she doesn't, right now , you would think that she is talking to herself or to her so called IMAGINARY FRIENDS. But right now, she is just laying at her pink bed while looking at her lit up butterflies at her wall. 

      As a little girl, she should be amazed by how the butterflies light up. She should, she is 4 years old after all. But she isn't. And to think of it, she should be amazed at many things. But she isn't. A normal relative would ask her "What is wrong with her?" but they had gotten used to it by now. She isn't just any other little girls at her block. She isn't smart, she isn't creative she is actually shy. The only thing she do best is PRAY. Her only friend except from her parents and other relatives is the Almighty GOD. At school, she doesn't talk much, she doesn't listen much but she participates because she says, "God told me too."

      Now she is awake, she is just laying. Looking at those beautiful butterflies. Nothing running through her mind. Not being scared if the boogy man might appear.

      She is confused, because late last night, she heard her parents arguing about something she cannot explain. Either her mom or dad tucked her in because she locked her room. As a little kid, it was a normal reaction. She was crying because this was the first time her parents would fight like that. And as a normal kid you wouldn't fall asleep easy without someone tucking you in or singing something to your sleep, or even reading or telling a story to you when your about to sleep.. But to surprise everyone, she slept peacefully. Because if you would ask her right now, she would say..

    "Someone did tuck me in, someone did sing to me, someone did told me the most wonderful story and someone did wipe away my tears last night. And He never left my side the whole night. Because he told me I am special and He told me that He loves me with all His heart."

    And to me, there is only one that never left your side while you are a kid and never will leave you until now and until you end your life in this earth. 
     The name is GOD...


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