My Yellow Flower

            It was foggy; all I could see is pink tulips and a pathway. It was like I had been there before, like I knew the place. I was walking down the path when I heard laughter; it was so beautiful, so cheerful. I knew that laugh but I can’t see who it was until, a girl holding yellow flowers appeared she was wearing a white dress but no shoes on. Her laugh was so pretty but all I could see was her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes that crinkle whenever she would smile. I started walking up to her until –

            “Babe! Wake up!” someone was jumping on my bed and my eyes opened. “Babe we’re gonna be late! Get up.”

            When I opened my eyes and saw my girl it wasn’t her. “Hey what’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” she asked laughing. That laugh, it wasn’t her. It felt wrong yet I could only think of my dream.

            “Well whatever it is you better get ready. Adelaide is here and we better tell her.” With that Giselle walked out of my room and closed the door. My mind was still roaming because of that dream; I was still lying in my bed when I heard a laugh coming from downstairs. That was the laugh, the one from my dream! I stood up put a shirt on and ran downstairs, tripping on a step or two.

            I finally arrived at the living room and there she is, my best friend back from vacation. She became tanner than usual but her laugh and how she smiled. She looked amazing. I didn’t realize I was staring when someone pulled me.

            “Come on babe, go say hi to Adelaide I’m just going to check on the food.” Giselle said and walked to the kitchen. I was frozen in place; my mind couldn’t process what’s happening. Is Adelaide the girl? No it can’t be. I loved Giselle, but that girl who could she be. I was stuck in my thoughts when Adelaide hugged me. “Bennett, I missed you! It’s been too long how are you?” she asked.

            All I could do was stare at her, “Uhh Ben? Are you okay?” I snapped out of my trance and answered, “Yeah. Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be! You’re home now.”

            “Aww you’re too sweet! Here I got you a present,” she said and handed me a box. “It’s seeds! I know how you loved flowers and my mom’s tulips. They are in season so I asked mom if I could have some. Hope you liked it,” she said enthusiastically looking a little a nervous.

            Before I could even answer she spoke again, “Oh! Giselle told me you guys have news for me. What is it?” Right then and there, Giselle popped out of the kitchen and hugged me. She then said, “We’re together! Finally. Sorry we didn’t texted you while you were away we were just too excited.”

            “Oh. What a surprise. Congratulations.” Adelaide seemed a little down when she said that. She was even avoiding eye contact with me. I was about to say something when she spoke, “Well that’s wonderful. Uhh, see you guys at school I guess.” And she was gone.

            “Well that was off, but we’ll just have to see her at school then.” Giselle said and walked straight to the kitchen again.

            After a few days, we were all back in school but I didn’t see Adelaide anywhere and that dream, it would replay on my mind for numerous nights. I still couldn’t understand it. It was another say at school and I decided to wait at the gate for Adelaide. I miss my best friend and I wanted to talk to her.

            I waited for another hour or so until I saw that black hair in a bun. It was Adelaide; she didn’t see me at first so I went behind her. She then immediately turned around and got knocked by me. All her books went flying everywhere but I got a hold of her. All I could do was staring at those brown eyes. She then smiled and crinkles started forming next to her eyes. It was like in the movies, the slow motion stuff that I would watch with her. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I knew that Giselle would hate me but I just couldn’t help it.

            After that moment, Adelaide and I would spend a lot of time together. Like how we used to, we would spend time doing assignments, watching movies and just joking around. We were finally backed to when we used to.
Until prom came around, she was the school’s photographer and I was with Giselle. She was busy with taking photographs and I was too caught up with Giselle. I couldn’t help but observe her, she was smiling a lot that night but she wouldn’t even look at me. Giselle then pulled me to her and asked for a picture.

            “Adelaide can you take a picture of me and Bennett?” she asked her. All Adelaide could do was smile and nod. She took pictures of us and would look at the lens right after the flash would go off. There something wrong with her, “Adelaide are you okay?” I asked. She just smiled and said, “Perfect as always Ben.” And with that she was gone and I didn’t see her the rest of the night.

            Months passed and all she would give me was a smile. Every time I would go talk to her she would just smile and walk away. I didn’t understood why, I was broken. She was my best friend and I love her – wait no! Giselle, I loved Giselle. I loved?
The argument inside my head was interrupted with Giselle pulling me into a hug. “I know. You don’t have to tell me. You love her,” she said.

           “Wait! Giselle no! I –“ she cut me off and said, “You don’t have to explain it. I realized it the day she came back. Go. She’s at her house. I already talked to her.” And Giselle was gone, out of my sight, eaten by the crowd.

             I was frozen in place but got knocked out of it when I was bumped by the people around me. I ran, ran the fastest way I could. It took me a few minutes to approach her house, I knocked at her door but no one answered. I want to the back but it was locked. But there was a note, “Hi Bennett. I’m at the park I realized you would look for me cause Giselle talked to me. I’m at our place.”

 “The park?” and that’s when it hit me. The park, the pathway, the tulips! It was our place. I then rode her bike and went to the park. And there she was, wearing a white dress, her black hair flowing down her back and she was holding a basket filled with pretty yellow flowers. She was facing sideways and she was looking for those yellow flowers in a field of red tulips.She then looked up and smiled. I ran to her and hugged her, spun her around and she was laughing. The same laugh in my dreams.
When I put her down she was wearing no shoes. “Adelaide, where’s your shoes?” I asked. She then laughed and pointed at an old woman putting it on. “She talking about her daughter that would give her new shoes every Christmas, she missed her so I gave her mine,” she said smiling. I just smiled back at her and hugged her again.

            “Bennett? Giselle came to me. Is it true?” she asked looking deep into my eyes. I just sighed and answered, “I don’t know. When you left I was so alone, Giselle was there. And that day when you came back I had a dream. It was here but all I could see was your eyes and all I could hear was your laugh. I didn’t recognize it until I saw you. Everything came back to me Adelaide. My heart would skip a beat whenever you’re there and –“ I didn’t even finish my sentence because she had put a flower in my ear. “Adelaide! Are you listening to me?” She just laughed and hugged me.

            She then let me go and said, “je t'aime ma fleur jaune.” I looked at her confused and she giggled. “Stop laughing at me Adelaide. What does it mean?”  She shook her head and ran away. “Adelaide!!” And we just ran together in a field of tulips until I caught her. She was laughing so hard, it was music to my ears. We then laid down the grass and she moved closer to me and looked at my eyes. She was still smiling and spoke, “My yellow flower.”

            After that day we would do everything together. We would spend our spare time together and just laugh. She was now so fond of those yellow flowers at the park. She would ask me those flowers every now and then and I couldn’t resist.

            A month had already passed and it was almost Christmas break. We were sitting at the stairs and she was looking at the yellow flower I got her. She then smiled and put the yellow flower in my ear and said, “je t'aime ma fleur jaune.” I scrunched my eyebrows and said, “Adelaide what does that mean?” She just laughed and stood up. “Adelaide!” I whined at her. She then looked at me, “Look it up my yellow flower,” and walked inside the classroom. I then pulled out my phone and looked it up,

“I love you my yellow flower.”


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